We've reached the three-decade mark of the monumental wrestling extravaganza known as WrestleMania. It's the biggest wrestling event of the year when WWE attempts to pull out all the stops and present the most stacked card imaginable.
This year, for the first time in a long while, it genuinely seems like WWE is looking to the future. In recent years the company has been much too reliant on names from the past to sell the show, and while that's still true to an extent, the big story around which WrestleMania is centered this year is The Rise of Daniel Bryan.
As of January, the company was all set to build yet another 'Mania card around big ticket returning stars while the current full-timers once again took a backseat. But the fans spoke loudly and clearly that this was not acceptable for the biggest show of the year. The fans wanted Daniel Bryan to be the main focus of the show, and WWE had no choice but to acquiesce.
Once again the card consists of eight matches, four of which are being presented as the money bouts. But first let's look at the undercard:
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Usos vs. RybAxel vs. Real Americans vs. Los Matadores |
I'm pretty pissed this got bumped to the pre-show. Why do secondary title matches constantly get cut from the PPV? Also, why aren't the Rhodes boys in this instead of Los Matadores?? Anywho, it should be a decent match if given time. I'd like to see the Real Americans finally split up, since Cesaro is getting one of the biggest babyface reactions on the roster these days. But since it's on the pre-show who knows?
My Prediction: The Usos retain.
Dan's Prediction: I have to believe the WWE will let the Usos retain, being that they are so young and just won the belts about 9 minutes ago. Here’s to hoping.
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Andre the Giant Invitational Battle Royal |
This is clearly a rather lazy way of getting a ton of talent on the card, many of whom deserve their own match (Sheamus, Del Rio, Christian, Ziggler, Big E., the Rhodeses), but hopefully it'll be a fun way to harken back to the 1980s 'Mania Battle Royals, and hopefully it will serve to elevate someone, giving the match a purpose.
My Prediction: Seems like the smart money is on The Big Show to follow in Andre's footsteps and win a Battle Royal at WrestleMania, but I'm gonna go with Sheamus. Hopefully he wins here and it leads to a much-needed heel turn. UNLESS, Alexander Rusev is in the match, in which case he's my pick.
Dan's Prediction: I’m not sure of all the combatants in this; to me anyway, pointless exhibition. But I know Dolph Ziggler is involved and any match he’s in I’m always hoping he wins. I’d like to see him throw the last guy over the ropes for the win. Lord knows he needs it.
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14-Divas Match |
Utterly pointless. Of all the matches to get bumped to the Pre-Show, why wasn't it this one?? I can't see this going more than seven minutes.
My Prediction: AJ retains.
Dan's Prediction: A buncha broads. Not sure who will win, nor will I see the outcome, as I will most likely be peeing, and getting another beer. If I gotta pick…Moolah.
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The Shield vs. Korporate Kane & New Age Outlaws |
It's a shame The Shield didn't get a stronger set of opponents for 'Mania, but this should be some good stuff regardless. Since the Outlaws requested to work with The Shield, they'd better bring their working shoes.
My Prediction: The Shield wins. No breakup yet.
Dan's Prediction: The Hounds of Justice are the obvious pick here. I see no point in having Taker’s brother and Paul’s friends winning this match. The newly face Shield should go over big in this match.
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John Cena vs. Bray Wyatt |
It took me a while to become intrigued by this match, but Wyatt's promos have been so good that I found myself drawn in. Wyatt's sprinkled a bit of The Joker into his motivation to expose Cena as a false hero and make us all see him through Wyatt's eyes. This will be Wyatt's first real test as a top-level singles star, as he doesn't have a team to rely on or an amazing worker like Daniel Bryan (who would be hard-pressed to have a bad match with anyone). I really love the Wyatt character so I hope he and Cena are able to tear it up.
My Prediction: Bray has to go over here.
Dan's Prediction: I would love LOVE to see Wyatt win here, but I just don’t see Cena (nor does anyone else, evidently) losing on the big stage here. I hope I’m wrong, but I gotta go with John John. His time is now.
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The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar |
This might be the worst-built Taker match since The Streak became a thing. WWE has done such a terrible job of presenting Lesnar as a threat of any kind, nor have they given Lesnar any real motivation other than "If I can't challenge for the WWE Title I can challenge for The Streak." Up until last night's go-home show, Taker had gotten the better of Lesnar at every turn, making Lesnar look like a non-factor. Also how, in the name of all things holy, THE HELL has WWE not mentioned that Lesnar has beaten Taker twice and Taker has never beaten Lesnar?? Wouldn't that be a super way to show Lesnar as a threat to The Streak? This is common sense booking.
My Prediction: Obviously Taker - The Streak has kinda become pointless for me. No one's ever going to break it, and it's certainly not going to be a part-timer like Lesnar. Only Cena or a rising star like Wyatt or Roman Reigns makes any sense as a Taker 'Mania opponent now.
Dan's Prediction: Seriously? 22-0
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Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H |
This is my prediction for Match of the Night. Bryan is the best wrestler in the company (if not the world), and Hunter always turns it up a notch in a big match situation (except against Lesnar). This is also the match the whole card has really been centered around since it's the only one the fans are really emotionally invested in. Should make for a great 'Mania moment for Bryan.
My Prediction: Daniel Bryan wins clean, but Hunter whacks him with the sledgehammer post-match to create doubt whether Bryan will be able to make the Title match.
Dan's Prediction: This has the potential to get nasty, and I’m looking forward to that. Paul will pull out all the stops here, I’m sure. Can’t wait till he pulls the sledgehammer out only to hit his wife when she gets in the way. Or maybe I just wanna see Steph hit with a concrete slab on a stick, DON’T JUDGE ME! Anyway, I gotta pick D-Bryan here, cause I see somethin’ in him.
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Randy Orton vs. Batista vs. ?? |
Obviously Bryan has to be the third man. Anyone who thinks WWE would end WrestleMania with a heel vs. heel vs. heel main event has a screw loose. Orton and Bryan can certainly carry Batista to a good triple threat, and they'll clearly have to do most of the heavy lifting, so to speak. But it should tell a good story. I'm curious how much outside the ring shenanigans will take place. Will Hunter interfere? Will Vince? Will CM Punk?
My Prediction: Even WWE can't be stupid enough not to put the belt on Bryan. WrestleMania XXX has to end with Bryan standing tall raising the WWE belts above his head, leading 70,000+ in YES chants. That's the only ending the fans will accept. It's Daniel Bryan's time. Let it happen.
Dan's Prediction: Do I see this being a great match? No. Do I see Batista getting cheered? No. Do I see Daniel Bryan walking out of the Superdome carrying two gold straps? YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES!
Dan's Bonus Thought: No way in HELL does CM Punk show up. Ain’t gonna happen.
As I said, Match of the Night should be Bryan vs. HHH. Worst will probably be the Divas schmozz.
I'm invested in this show just because of the Daniel Bryan story, and while I don't think this is the case, if WWE had this planned all along, PURE GENIUS. Again, I don't think that's the case. I think they planned for Batista to be this year's Rock and somehow against all common logic didn't foresee the entire audience turning on such a half-assed 'Mania centerpiece. Fortunately they've actually listened to the fans for a change and Bryan is poised to become the breakout star we all want him to be.
We'll discuss the results on Monday. Enjoy WrestleMania!
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