
Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wrestling March Madness - Round 1: Crockett Region

Welcome back to's Wrestling March Madness Tournament!

Before we move on to The Crockett Region bracket, let's see the results of the Bischoff Region:

Kurt Angle defeats Rusev
British Bulldog defeats Chris Benoit
AJ Styles defeats Bobby Roode
The Rock defeats DDP
Batista defeats Yokozuna
Daniel Bryan defeats JBL
Rey Mysterio defeats Vader
Bret Hart defeats Shelton Benjamin

Now for the next bracket:

Crocket Region Round 1

Ric Flair (2) vs. Christian (15)

Kevin Nash (7) vs. Mr. Perfect (10)

Ricky Steamboat (6) vs. Jeff Hardy (11)

Shawn Michaels (3) vs. Bray Wyatt (14)

Ultimate Warrior (5) vs. Roman Reigns (12)

Sting (4) vs. Dean Ambrose (13)

Sheamus (8) vs. Owen Hart (9)

John Cena (1) vs. Ted Dibiase (16)

Once again, vote for your picks in the Comments section below, or vote in the Facebook thread in which you found this column!  Check back in a few days for the next round!


  1. Flair, Nash, Streamboat, Michaels, Warrior, Sting, Hart, Cena

  2. Flair, Nash, Steamboat, Michaels, Warrior, Sting, Hart, Cena
