
Tuesday, September 26, 2017

WCW Monday Nitro #4: Hogan in a Neckbrace, Savage seeks Revengeance

It took 4 weeks, but Vader is finally out of the opening video for Nitro. For a guy who was never on the show, they sure did take their time replacing him with Luger.

WCW Monday Nitro #4, September 25th, 1995
Florence Civic Center in Florence, South Carolina

Disco Inferno vs. Alex Wright

So this is the infamous Disco Inferno. Never seen an Inferno match before this, and really it wasn't as bad as some have warned me it would be. Despite being Disco's Nitro debut, Alex Wright was the star of this match. He was able to clear the top rope on a dive, with no hands, and without much effort. Wright would probably be really popular today, with his cosmopolitan style and look. After a kind of short match, Wright got the pin with the backslide. Nothing special.

Hulk Hogan cut a Hulk Hogan promo in a neck brace. He talked about how the Giant broke his neck and how he won't die, and I'm starting to think that maybe Ric Flair isn't the immortal sorcerer after all. Brother, brother.

They recapped the Randy Savage and Lex Luger confrontation from last week. Pirate shirt, snakes, etc. The two came out to shout at each other, and decide to have a number one contenders, Lex leaves town match next week. But for tonight, they have matches to get ready for.

Kurasawa vs Craig Pittman

Monster Morning Mullet
Well, this match was an unexpected treat. Pittman had a nothing match at the Pay Per View last week, but here he managed to have a really fun match with Kurasawa (who is Manabu Nakanishi.). Fun in the same way I enjoy Ishii and Makabe going at it. The brawl included a lot of Kurasawa going for Pittman's arm, because apparently he had broken Hawk's arm months ago. The match was pretty 50/50, until Kurasawa pinned Pittman with a GERMAN
**1/2, a very fun match.

Arn Anderson and Brian Pillman came out to run down Ric Flair. Brian is officially full on Loose Cannon here, and Arn was as Arn always was. Both men went about their own ways saying that Ric was fucked, because he couldn't find a partner to help him. Arn said it was because he burned every bridge, because Ric had always had Arn to back him up. This was a great segment.

They replayed Taskmaster's murder attempt on Randy Savage from last week. Right before

Randy Savage vs. The Taskmaster

It was almost non-existant really. The match would have served better as an angle. Randy chased Taskmaster around, who only got a little offense. Randy took 95% of the three minutes, before The Giant ran out and caused the DQ. Babyface geeks then began pouring out and getting chokeslammed. It was wonderful

Lex came out to try and save his friend, and got layed out for it as well. That's when Meng came out and we began

Lex Luger vs. Meng

Since he walked in on a Luger that had been killed by The Giant, Meng took about 99% of the match. Meng beat him, and killed him, and pummeled him, and I'm just repeating myself. Luger started the comeback, before Meng put some kind of 3 inch spike on his thumb and Umaga-Humbled him.

This wasn't a good episode of Nitro. It had one fun match, but it was inconsequential to the rest of the flow of Nitro's canon. Next week, we get Hogan for the first time since being almost killed by The Giant, The American Males, The Nasty Boys, Dean Fucking Malenko, and Luger taking on Savage in what I assume is the main event. Next week's gotta be better, right?

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